If I make my own laundry detergent, it'll cost $3 to make 4 gallons according to Mike and Molly's House - 1 cup for each medium to large load - so $3 for 128 loads = 2.34375 cents. But I think their washing machine is HE. So let's double that and say 5 cents per load.
Whole Foods 1.56 gallon one costs $16.99 for 132 standard loads (200 High Efficiency one) = 12.8712...cents or let's say 13 cents per load.
Whole Foods 1 gallon one costs $10.99 for 94 HE - this bottle doesn't say the standard loads so let's calculate from the 1.56 gallon one (yeah, I'm smart. I can calculate!)...so...200/132 = 0.66... and ... uh... 94 x 0.66 = 62.04...so...therefore1 gallon one can wash about 62 standard loads instead of 94 HE loads - so 17.725805 cents so let's day 18 cents per standard load.
Trader Joe's 1 gallon one costs $9.99 for 64 or more standard loads. $9.99/64= 0.15609375. So let's say 16 cents per load.
My very favorite Biokleen Coldwater Formula Laundry Liquid 64 oz costs $13.49 (+ free shipping if you buy $25 or more at Drugstore.com) for 64 loads. It's 21 cents per standard load! It's obviously more expensive than others. But this removes the stains and odor so well that I feel like it's worth it during the summer.
Not to mention, these products are all eco-friendly. They have already passed my secret inspections and are cheaper than other brands Whole Foods carries. FYI, I don't buy eco-friendly products at regular super markets because they usually charge more for those products than Whole Foods does.
Plus, I've got a feeling that Whole Foods wants Trader Joe's customers and any eco/health-consious customers who shop at other super markets. Whole Foods has been dropping 365 products' prices to match TJ's brand ones. Milk, butter, flour, wines (Whole Foods now have $1.99 wines. Oh yeah. But I guess only in CA. It was $2.99 in New Mexico...), etc. Keep competitive, Whole Foods and Trader Joe's! You are not perfect corporations. And I'm not a perfect person, either. So let's keep trying, baby!
OK. Let's go back to the Laundry Detergent talk!
So there. Whole Foods one is cheaper than TJ's one. But making your own is a lot cheaper!
So, see, if you have time to spend 30 minutes (it usually takes a lot longer like 45 minutes or 1 hour in traffic, parking lot war, long line at cashier, etc.) to go get a laundry detergent, make your own! If you are a very eco-friendly, budget-friendly person like me, you probably already have a big bag of baking soda, borax and some bars of very simple ingredient soap like Dr.Bronner's soap, castile soap, Ivory maybe, etc. Make your own!
By the way, I'm talking to myself. You = me. So don't get offended.
So a difference of 8 to 16 cents per load. We'll split the difference and say 12 cents cheaper per load (although we always buy the cheap detergent). We'll say 2 or 3 loads per week. That's 24 to 36 cents per week. 52 weeks a year thats... (as I pull out my calculator)... $12.48 to $18.72 savings a year. Less than $20 savings per year. Yipee!
ReplyDeleteBut a penny saved is a penny earned.
What if you save $12 to $20 or more per stuff you use such as shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, mouthwash, dish soap, etc. and stuff you eat such as salads, beans, rice, meat, etc.?
DeleteIf you have enough money to spend, please go buy one! People like you make the economy get going! But please make the right decision and pick the one that won't cost you and us later (polluting the ocean - the sewage treatment plants can't treat the lots of chemicals - the pollution kills plants and phytoplankton in the ocean that produces 50 to 80% of oxygen we breath - I'll cover it soon, soon...).
Thanks for the extra calculations by the way. Please come back again and say hi ;)